World Spiritual Foundation Newsletter

WSF Newsletter Vol 1, NO. 1. Spring 1999

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Article by Donna Van de Wijngaart

Donna Van de Wijngaart, BA

When presented with a selection of foods, how do we begin to choose what we will take into our body? Will we use our mind?
Our taste or sense preference?
Or AUTOMATIC, unconscious impulses?
Are we giving sufficient importance to the process of choosing and consuming our food?

On a BROADER scale, we can see food is ANYTHING we ASSIMILATE – therefore everything and everyone that surrounds us in our immediate environment – which affects our Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual bodies. This includes all that we Hear, See, Smell, Feel, Taste and Touch.

Everything and Everyone has a VIBRATION or a certain POTENTIALITY. Our Physical vibration has formed from a tiny seed, like that of a tree, being fed by surrounding elements from the physical world.
How does this physical structure manifest & continue changing form?

The COMPOSITION of matter that we eat, combined with the energy it is prepared and consumed with, all combine to create an effect on our physical body, which filters into our Mental & Spiritual bodies. The process of eating can be seen as energetically BECOMING that which we choose to INTERNALISE from the physical world around us.

One of the simplest ways to describe food ENERGETICALLY is by using the ancient terms YIN & YANG.
RECEPTIVITY. Fruits, Watery & Leafy Vegetables (upward growing plants) .
The YIN aspects of the human being are…Imagination, Spirit, Creativity, the mind -All that is unseen -
This is supported by the YANG, which pertains to the;
The PHYSICAL BODY, the EARTHLY aspects - CONTRACTEDNESS, SALTY, the MASCULINE & ACTIVITY. Grains, Root Vegetables (downward growing plants), Legumes, Meat & Dairy.

There is no ONE DIET correct for EVERYONE - Each individual has his or her own UNIQUE physical and metabolic structure which supports the EXPRESSION of the SOUL or Divine Aspect. Therefore each person has different needs and reactions from various types of food.

How can VCM aid us to make more intuitively healthy food choices?
The same process used at the beginning of a meditation can be mirrored before choosing or taking-in food. By allowing a few moments to relax and LET GO of any stress or tension in the body, we can then endeavour to FEEL and sense what our body requires at any given time.

The FEELING is a major KEY to a more harmonious way of eating.
How we INTUITIVELY FEEL when different foods are presented to us is a gift of Grace, we need only to make TIME to RECOGNISE this faculty. The body will always react to any kind of food, before and after it is ingested. Becoming aware of these reactions, is often an enlightening experience, bringing a deeper appreciation and understanding of ENERGY and FORM flowing naturally from one to the next.

If our Reaction is POSITIVE - we feel energised, the energy is transformed into strength and support we can use to EXPRESS through the Physical with Clarity and Grace. If our reaction is NEGATIVE - we often feel lethargic and imbalanced in some way, leading us to CRAVE that which will tip us back.... And so the see-saw begins.

When we are more in tune with the EARTH and it’s NATURAL RHYTHMS, CYCLES & SEASONS, we are more in tune with our bodies – which are made up of all Earth's elements...WATER, FIRE, AIR, & EARTH...We are a reflection of all that surrounds us. Acknowledging and giving importance to our own personal rhythms and cycles will create a more harmonious existence on the earth.

As we OPEN to receive God in a purely vibrational form during meditation, we can also open to receive God in the form of edible food. An inspiring quote to remember is... "To eat is human; to digest, Divine"
Once we have taken food into our body, the more we can relax and let God's perfect process of digestion take place, the healthier we will become.

Using VCM in a practical way when choosing and consuming FOOD, is a process that will naturally occur while consistently meditating, yet strengthened with awareness.
Begin by trying to eat only when the body is really HUNGRY. Relax into the pre-meditative mode, then Surrender and Listen to what your body is asking for. Even close your eyes for a moment and say a short prayer - asking to be guided to the perfect food for you at this present moment. (This is often very helpful when travelling or eating out for a meal).

While preparing food, try singing with a positive, grateful and loving heart. With the Grace of the Divine flowing through you, the food will be sure to nourish you and all those who consume it, in Body, Mind and in Spirit.

(The Primordial Incantation)
(The True One, The All-Pervading)
(The Immortal, Unchanging, Dynamic Divine Power)
(The Omnipotent, Omniscient, Creative Personality)
(Incomprehensible, Limitless, Beyond Fear or Enmity)
(Beyond Time, Space and Form. Before All Beginnings And After All Endings)
(Free from Cycle of Birth and Death, The Self-Manifested)
(The Loving Merciful Enlightener Realised with His Grace through Total Submission to His Will)

As I walk
Through the Garden of God
Touches me
I am Replete
Eternal Calm

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