These documents of affection that I so freely pass to you...I trust you have a private vault reserved for such intimate pages. In the future, perhaps, they will be displayed in the archives of love on Cosmosis private hide-a-way.
This Space Queen has crowned you King of her exclusive island. A Sylvanium crown that you have earned. It is indeed your birthright as a star child, to reign over such an island, anchored in a sea of astro-energy.
You have also taken me home to the lavender fields of my beloved British Isles, where I dowsed my sacred self in lavender at Stonehenge, and danced with Merlin. He is, I'm sure, pleased, with our communion.
It may appear that I am the agressor in this galactic wedding chase...but I think that you love me as I love you...And you have already taken on the role of Master in my heavenly bedroom.
You have used your will power and seduced my soul.
You are making me beg for your affection. And you know I will.
When you look in my direction...even just a glance, those warm blue eyes flutter on my face and cause a warm sensation, that I have never felt before. The shock of it makes me gasp. You induce a swelling of my heart, that makes me feel like a ripe passion fruit.
I remain your passion flower.